2 day hike to Gauli Hut, Gauli Lake & Ürbach Waterfalls

二日間ツアー: ミュールヴォルセス~ガウリ山小屋~ガウリ湖~ミュールヴォルセス(2019年8月17~18日)

ツアー案内・Hike overview
  • 一日目の距離・1st day length: 8. 17 km
    2nd day length: 12.95 km
  • 一日目の登り、下り・1st day ascents/descents: 1,462 m / 135 m
    2nd day ascents/descents: 241 m / 1,563 m
  • 一日目の歩く時間・1st day hiking time: 5 h
    二日目の歩く時間・2nd day hiking time:
    4 h 30 m
  • スタート地点・starting point: Mürvorsess駐車場/parking (879 m)
  • 経由地・intermediate points: Schrätteren (1,453 m), Bin Mannen (2,215 m), Gaulihütte (2,205 m), Gaulisee (2,140 m), Mattenalpsee (1,873)
  • ゴール地点・end point: Mürvoresess駐車場/parking (879 m) 
  • そのほか・remarks: 
    70人まで泊まれる山小屋だけど、大人気の山小屋だから常に70人以上が泊まりたいと思っている。予約はメールでこちら。キャンセルは電話で:+41 33 971 31 66。大人一人の一泊は40フラン。夕食と朝食含めの一泊は79フラン。美味しかったよ。おすすめ!
    Be sure to reserve your stay at Gaulihütte in advance. The hut is able to house 70 people, but better believe that more than 70 people will want to stay the night! You can reserve by writing an email (link to email address). If you need to cancel, don't use email, call the hut directly (phone: +41 33 971 31 66). A night's stay costs CHF 40 per adult, CHF 79 if it's including dinner and breakfast. It's a very good deal, the food is good.
  • 一日目のツアーマップ・1st DAY: LINK TO HIKING MAP
    二日目のツアーマップ・2nd DAY: LINK TO HIKING MAP

ガウリ山小屋で泊まり、美味しい夕食も朝食も食べた。 夕食の時に楽しく赤ワインを飲んでいた年配の方々が私たちの近くに寝ていた。夜中に信じられないほど大きないびきで目が覚めた・・・赤ワインを飲むと、いびきしやすいね、なんで耳栓を持ってこなかった?とため息をついた。
二日目にエメラルド色のガウリ湖に向かった。 勢いよくガウリ氷河から溶け出した水が湖に流れ込んでいく。目の前にあり得ないような色会わせの山・氷河・湖・川・滝・緑の景色が広がった。息を呑むようだ。

It's a beautiful hike up Ürbach Valley, but if you're thinking, oh, 8km distance and 5 hour hike sounds easy, think again, the 1,453 height meters climb is quite strenuous. Better make sure you're in top condition before attempting this hike. Once you do overcome the height difference, however, you'll be happy you tried, because the views are stupendous.
We drove to the Mürvorsess parking lot by car and started from there. If you don't have a car, you can take the bus to Innertkirchen and walk from there (count an additional 1 1/2 hours hiking time) or take the mountain taxi (email address).
You walk up through forests and meadows, and the path gets seemingly steeper and steeper until you reach Bin Mannen (2,215m), the highest point. From here it's another 30 minutes of slight ups and downs to Gauli Hut ("Gaulihütte" in German), with impressive views of the surrounding mountains and the glaciers ahead.
We stayed the night at Gauli Hut, where we ate dinner and breakfast. A merry trio of oldsters downed a bottle of red wine and were quartered near us in the dormitory. The snoring was unbelievably loud and kept us awake a good part of the night. I bemoaned having forgotten ear plugs. Never forget ear plugs when you stay in mountain huts.
On the second day we hiked to Gauli Lake. It's a fairytale landscape of rocks, flowers, glaciers, lakes and waterfalls. We stayed a while and drank in the views, then followed the river flowing out of the lake. On top of the waterfalls, you reach the Via Ferrata and climb iron rungs down the rocks. If it's raining, the iron will be wet and slippery, which makes it dangerous. Take another route in rainy weather. Once you're off the Via Ferrata you hike through big round stones until you reach a recognizable path again, next to three thundering waterfalls. So beautiful, we must have taken a hundred pictures. From there you hike down past the milky waters of Lake Mattenalp. Once you reach the point where the path splits off in direction of Bin Mannen, you're walking the same path again. This was a very beautiful tour!

Close to Bin Mannen on the last leg up
Bin Mannen (2,215m)
On the way to Gauli Hut, you see glaciers
Gauli Hut, "Gaulihütte" in German (2,205m)
View in the morning from in front of Gauli Hut (2,205m)
Lake Gauli, "Gaulisee" in German (2,140m)
Lake Gauli (2,140m)
Lake Gauli (2,140m)
The Via Ferrata leads off this rock to the falls below
Via Ferrata
The three Ürbach waterfalls
Mattenalp Lake, called "Mattenalpsee" in German (1,873m)



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