Hike from Oberaxen to Eggberge, by way of the Wildheuerpfad, the "Wild Hay Maker Trail"
ツアー: オーバーアクセン~「山野草刈り人の山道」~エッグベルゲ(2019年5月30日)
- 距離・length: 7.42 km
- 登り、下り・ascents/descents: 809 m / 351 m
- 歩く時間・hiking time: 3 h 15 m
- スタート地点・starting point: Oberaxen (1,000 m)
「Flüelen, Rütti」バス停の近くのゴンドラに乗る。夏スケジュール:8時~19時、各30分 に運転する。大人一人のコストはCHF 7。オーバーアクセンのレストランが行っているゴンドラだから、下のゴンドラ駅に誰もいない。ゴンドラに乗る前に、壁の電話をとって、オーバーアクセンのレストランにいるオペレーターに「これから【数】人が乗りますよ(ドイツ語:"Es steigen jetzt ... Personen in die Gondel ein.")→一人:アイネ・ぺルソン、二人:ツワイ・ペルソネン、三人:ドライ・ペルソネン」と報告してください。ゴンドラは強い風の場合に運転しない。
Take the gondola up to Oberaxen from the gondola station near the "Flüelen, Rütti" bus stop. Summer schedule: 8:00-19:00, every half hour. The gondola is operated by Oberaxen Restaurant, so there's nobody in the lower gondola station. Pick up the phone on the wall and announce to the operator up in the restaurant that you will get in the gondola (in German: "Es steigen jetzt (number) Personen in die Gondel ein."). Cost: CHF 7.- per adult. In case of strong winds, the gondola does not operate. - 経由地・intermediate points: Franzenalp (1,454 m)
- ゴール地点・end point: Eggberge (1,447 m)
エッグベルゲのゴンドラ駅の隣にゆっくりできる可愛い「Berggasthaus Eggberge」というレストランがある。ゴンドラの夏スケジュール:7時~20時、各30分 に運転する。大人一人のコストはCHF 12.-。下の駅の近くのバス停:Flüelen, Eggberge Talstation。
There's a cute restaurant, the "Berggasthaus Eggberge", near the gondola station in Eggeberge that's very inviting to have a relaxing drink in after the hike. Eggberge gondola's summer schedule: 7:00-20:00. Cost: CHF 12.- per adult. The nearest bus stop to the gondola´s valley station is Flüelen, Eggberge Talstation. - そのほか・remarks:
The "Wild Hay Maker Trail" isn't safe to walk unless all the snow fields are melted. The path is marked "closed" at the gondola stations until all snow is gone. I didn't know the trail was closed when I set off, I missed the sign at the gondola station... And indeed, I was faced with five steep steep snow fields on the trail, and crossing them was rather dangerous, so I recommend you contact the Uri Tourism Center to see if the path is open if you're thinking of doing this tour. - ツアーマップ・LINK TO HIKING MAP
For centuries, farmers in the Canton of Uri have harvested hay from the most remote spots in the mountains. The "Wild Hay Maker Trail" takes its name from this rather risky hay making tradition, still practiced on the steep sides of Rophaien mountain, which occasionally results in fatal accidents.
On Ascension Day, I walked from Oberaxen on the "Wild Hay Maker Trail" to Eggberge. The nice cow herder in Franzenalp told me the path was still closed because of steep snow fields left by avalanches, but, oh well, I went anyway, and yes, the snow fields were quite steep and had me tensing up some, but I made it across safe and sound. The views across Lake Lucerne to the mountains surrounding Uri Rothorn are awesome, I'll totally go on this hike again, though later in the year next time.
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フランセンアルプに登る途中、オーバーフリムセリの近くの森に(標高1,070 m) On the way up in the forest of Ober Frimseli (1,170 m) |
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フランセンアルプに登る途中に、ルセルン湖の向こうのウーリ・ロートシュトック山などの素晴らしい山景色が見える On the way up to Franzenalp, the view across Lake Lucern towards the Uri Rothorn mountain and consorts is breathtaking |
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フランセンアルプ(標高1,454 m)から「山野草刈り人の山道」に入る From Franzenalp (1,454 m) you look at the steep meadows and forests that the "Wild Hay Maker Trail" leads through |
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雪が溶けていないなら、危ないから道が閉まっている。それが知らなくて雪原が残っていても歩き出した。危なかった・・・!念のため、ウーリ州の観光協会に連絡し、トレイルがオーペンかどうか確認した方がいい。 End of May, parts of the "Wild Hay Maker Trail" were still covered in steep, dangerous to cross snow fields. Better undertake this tour later in the year, or check with the Tourism Board of the Canton of Uri to see if the trail is officially open. |
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カルテブルネ(標高1,418 m)後ろの「山野草刈り人の山道」を見る Looking back at the "Wild Hay Maker Trail" from Chaltebrunne (1,418m) |
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エッグベルゲ(標高1,447 m)に立つと、ルセルン湖が素敵な景色になる View from Eggberge (1,447) on Lake Lucerne |