Niwärch & Gorperi bisses tour in Wallis, Ausserberg to Eggerberg

ツアー:ヴァリス州の二ーウェルクとゴルペリのビス (Bisse)、アウサーベルグ~エッゲルベルグ村

ツアー案内・Hike overview
  • 距離・length: 12.25 km
  • 登り、下り・ascents/descents: 418 m / 501 m
  • 歩く時間・hiking time:  3 h 30 min
  • スタート地点・starting point: Ausserberg train station (930 m)
  • 経由地・intermediate points: Niwärch (1,189 m), Ze Steinu (1,300 m), Restaurant Egga (1,090m)
  • ゴール地点・end point: Eggerberg train station (635 m)
  • そのほか・remarks: ビス(ヴァリス州のドイツ語で「スオン(Suon)」とも呼ばれている)は昔からある灌漑用水路だ。ヴァリス州に250カ所のビスもあり、その中の200カ所以上が農業などにまだ使用されているらしい。山歩きコースとして大人気。Bisses ("Suon" in German) are the historic irrigation channels of the Wallis. A bisse channels water from mountain streams to pastures and fields. There are ca. 250 bisses in the Wallis, with over 200 still in use today. Hiking along these ancient water ways is booming.
ースター日曜日にヴァリス州の二ーメルクとゴルペリのビス( Bisse )に出発。アウサーベルグ駅から村を通り、二ーウェルクビスに上る。そこからビスに沿って簡単な歩きだが、二ーウェルクの岩までだけだ・・・そこで「Auf eigene Gefahr(ご自身の責任で)」のサインがある(目まいするところがあり、落石の可能性もあるから)。強い風と雨の時に進まないで、トンネルもあるから、トンネルを使用してくださいとサインに書いてある。(その場合、ランプを忘れず!)ドキドキしながら、ビューも楽しみながら、岩のビスを歩いた。とても印象的だ!谷の奥に着いたら、大きい雪崩に残された雪堆積があった(やっぱり少し早かった・・・)が、頑張って雪を乗り越えることができた。コルペリビスが簡単に歩けるキレイなビスだ。最後にエッゲルベルグ駅に下りる前に、エッガ(角の意味)というレストランにスープとアイスティーを飲んだ。いいビューとご親切なタフのレストランだから、おすすめ!

Optimistic that the bisses on the sunny side of the great valley of Wallis would be snow free by Easter, we set off for Ausserberg. The train station lies below the village and it´s uphill from here, through picturesque houses, blooming cherry trees and past herds of Wallis goats, easily recognizable by their long-haired black front and white back. After a steep climb you reach the Niwärch bisse and from here on it´s an easy path with practically no up and downs. The easy path ends when it takes a sharp turn into the rock walls of the steep Baltschieder Valley. There´s a sign that says "Auf eigene Gefahr (At your own risk)". The path boasts spectacular views from here on in, but is quite exposed and can be vertigo inducing. In addition, there are possible rock falls and people are advised to turn back if it´s very windy or rainy/wet. There´s a tunnel that goes straight through, so people can use that one instead (the tunnel is not lit, so don´t forget to bring a lamp).
Once past the rock walls, the hike would have been easy, if it hadn´t been for a huge snow and dirt avalanche that will probably still be there 2 months later. It takes a lot to melt that much snow. It wasn´t too hard to climb over it, but still... We walked back out of the valley on the other side by way of Groperi bisse, with it´s gurgling, water rich channel. Very pretty. Before descending to Eggerberg station, it´s worth having a drink or a soup at Restaurant Egga. Very nice view and very nice people!

Blooming cherry trees above Ausserberg
Above Ausserberg, mountain cherry trees in bloom.
Only in the Wallis, the "Walliser black-neck goats"
You only see these in the Wallis, the "Walliser black-neck goats" (Walliser Schwarzhalsziege).
Hiking in the Wallis
Niwärch Bisse

Vertigo hike in the Wallis
Niwärch Bisse

Hiking in Wallis
Niwärch Bisse

Hiking along ancient water ways in Wallis
Gorperi Bisse

Hiking along ancient water ways in Wallis
Gorperi Bisse

Hiking along ancient water ways in Wallis
Gorperi Bisse

Hiking along ancient water ways in Wallis
Gorperi Bisse



Scenic hike to moulins of Alp Mora near Flims, from Alp Bargis to Trin

Vertigo-inducing ridge hike to Rophaien

Round tour hike from Gumen, Braunwald, over Bärentritt and the Karst plain