Hike from Gimmelwald (Mürren) to Chilchbalm in Sefinen Valley

ツアー: ギメルワルド(ミュレン)~セフェィネン谷のキルッヒバルム~シュテッヘルベルグ(2019年8月11日)

ツアー案内・Hike overview

ミュレン辺りに色々なルートが選べられる。あの日に友達と一緒に絶景ハイキングコース のセフィネン谷に決めた。 ミュレンに泊まっていたから、ロープウェイをギメルワルドまで一本下った。10分ほどギメルワルド村のチャレーのある舗装された道を進み、セフィネン谷へのビューポイントに山道に入った。谷の白い岩壁が遠くから見える。その壁に向かって歩いた。森の中と川のそばが涼しいはずだったが、だんだん上り坂を進みながら汗をかいた。普段は1時間半でセフィネン谷のキルッヒバルムに着くが、ゆっくり歩いたり写真を撮ったりしたら、2時間がかかってしまった。

There are plenty of beautiful hikes around Mürren. My friend and I chose the hike to Chilchbalm in Sefinen Valley, which promised to be a very beautiful one. We'd stayed in Mürren the night before and reached Gimmelwald by gondola. From here it's a short walk through Gimmelwald's chalets until you reach the nature road descending into Sefinen Valley. Far ahead you see the end of the valley, a bowl made up of white rock faces named "Chilchbalm". It's a pleasant walk through the valley up a gradual incline.
If you have any kind of imagination, you'll be imagining gnomes and elves when you reach Chilchbalm. Multiple waterfalls, a gurgling river, sheer rock faces, colorful flowers and butterflies make Chilchbalm seem like a magical place. "Paradise!" I thought (before I was stung by horseflies). My friend and I ate lunch next to a waterfall and then explored the rest of the bowl. There was snow left at the bottom of the double waterfalls to the left. The snow had melted from the inside to form a cathedral-like structure over the river. It was weirdly beautiful. Chilchbalm must be one of Switzerland's power spots, it certainly felt like one.
We had intended to return the same way, but neither of us felt tired (power spot!), so instead of going back to Gimelwald we descended into Lauterbrunnen Valley and walked to the Stechelberg gondola station. Lauterbrunnen Valley too is blessed with multiple waterfalls. It apparently served as inspiration for the elve dwelling "Rivendell" in "Lord of the Rings". Walking through the valley, I could well believe it. We took the gondola back up to Mürren, squashed between an international crowd that was heading to Schilthorn.

ギメルワルド村(標高2,357 m)
Gimmelwald (1,363 m)
Arriving in Chilchbalm, the bowl-like ending of Sefinen Valley. It feels like a paradise apart.
We headed to the first waterfall and ate lunch here
On to Chilchbalm's next waterfall
Snow cathedral
Snow meltwater dripping on our heads...
Looking out over Chilchbalm from a cave in the rocks (there's even a cooking niche here)
Lauterbrunnen Valley



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