Hike from Glattalp over Charetalp, Erigsmatt to Braunwald


ツアー案内・Hike overview
  • 距離・length: 12.7 km
  • 登り、下り・ascents/descents: 693 m / 654 m
  • 歩く時間・hiking time: 4 h
  • スタート地点・starting point: take gondola to Glattalp (1,869 m) 
  • 経由地・intermediate points: Grossbodenkreuzsattel (2,052 m), Charetalp 1,862 m, Erigsmatt (2,081 m), Bützi (2,150 m) 
  • ゴール地点・end point: Kleiner Gumen (1,901 m), take gondola down to Braunwald
  • そのほか・remark: 赤白のコースサインが非常に多くある・A LOT of way signs


    Trusting the most optimistic weather site, I found myself hiking in the cold rain and fog for an hour. I met a couple on the way who told me to turn back if the fog didn't lift. The girl had done the exact hike I was doing "at least 20 times" and still she would turn back if there was fog because of the sinkholes. You're walking on top of the 200 km long drainage system called the Hölloch (hell hole) caves, and from time to time clueless people, sheep and deer vanish into the mountain. Luckily the rain stopped and the fog lifted just as I was descending into Charetalp. To keep hikers safely on the path somebody went crazy painting the usual white-red way signs every 5 meters.
    It's beautiful up here, the scraggy karst landscape the biggest of its kind in Switzerland, and if you follow the way signs (don't see how you could miss them, unless there's really thick fog), you will be fine. There were still a lot of snow field left between Erigsmatt and Bützi this time of the year, so I'd recommend to wait until mid-July before doing this tour.
    At the end, you can take the gondola from Kleiner Gumen down to Braunwald to give your knees a rest.

    Karst landscape

    20 minutes left to walk, you can see the gondola station Little Gumen in the back



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