Hike from Breil to Val Frisal and back


ツアー案内・Hike overview

  • 距離・length: 12.55 km
  • 登り、下り・ascents/descents: 507 m / 888 m
  • 歩く時間・hiking time: 4 h
  • スタート地点・starting point: Breil, Burleon gondola station (1,665 m)
  • 経由地・intermediate points: Val Frisal (1,890 m)
  • ゴール地点・end point: Breil, Post bus station (1,270 m)
  • そのほか・remark: 川沿いBBQスポットがいくつかもある。There are multiple BBQ spots along the river.

We did this hike during a cloudless warm autumn day. The hike from Breil up to Val Frisal is an easy one, and the remote mountain valley with its plain carved by glaciers with meandering rivers invites you to sit down and relax. It´s a peaceful tour and definitely worth the hike.
Breil is one of the villages where Switzerland´s obscure fourth language, Rumantsch, is still spoken. I don´t know anybody who speaks it and thought it was a dying language before the happily chattering school children on the bus down to the valley and the bus driver after our tour convinced me otherwise. Rumantsch is very much alive here.

パリウ・ダ・ルビという平原(標高1,630 m)
Paliu Da Rubi plain (1,630 m)

Just before arriving at the plain of Val Risal

リザル谷(標高1,890 m)
Val Risal (1,890 m)

Early autumn colors



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