Five lakes tour in Pizol


  ツアー案内・Hike overview

  • 距離・length: 10.15 km
  • 登り、下り・ascents/descents: 645 m / 996 m
  • 歩く時間・hiking time: 3 h 50 min
  • スタート地点・starting point: Take the gondola from Wangs to Pizolhütte (2,225 m)
  • 経由地・intermediate points: Wildseeluggen (2,492 m), Schottensee (2,332 m),  Schwarzplangg (2,505 m), Schwarzsee (2,372 m), Baschalvasee (2,174 m)
  • ゴール地点・end point: Gaffia (1,869 m), take gondola back down to Wangs
  • そのほか・remark: ルートは5つの湖を巡るものだが、ピツォールヒュッテにまず残りのコースの逆側にあるワングセル湖に行かないと4つの湖ルートになってしまう。(私たちは4つの湖ルートにした)If you want to do the whole 5 Lakes Tour, you need to go in the opposite direction of the rest of the tour right at the start (Pizolhütte) to go see the Wangser Lake. You´ll end up doing a 4 Lake Tour otherwise (as we did).
ピツォールにはトレッキングコースがたくさんあるが、有名なのが「5 Seen Wanderung」という5つの湖を巡るコースだ。非常に美しい人気コースだと分かったけど、10km登り750m・下り約1100m・上り下りを何度も繰り返して疲れるコースだから、こんなに多い人数になると思わなかった。

A gondola and two lifts conveniently took us from Wangs (509 m) all the way up to Pizolhütte (2,225 m) and deposited us in rocky alpine country with smashing views.
The Pizol 5 lake tour is beautiful and obviously has a lot of fans who all joined us on the hike. Or so it felt. Crazy how many people were on the paths! Not exactly what I'm used to from hiking in Switzerland, but the weather turned out nicer than we expected and the lakes are beautiful, with eye-popping colors, so I very much enjoyed it and can recommend it.

ウィルド湖(Wildsee)は標高2,438 m
Wild Lake (2,438 m)
ウィルド湖(Wildsee)は標高2,438 m
Wild Lake (2,438 m)
ショッテン湖(Schotten See)は標高2335 m
Schotten Lake (2,335 m)
黒湖(Schwarz See)は標高2,372 m
Black Lake (2,174 m)
黒湖(Schwarz See)とバシャルヴァ湖(Baschalva See)の間On the ridge between the Black Lake and Baschalva Lake
バシャルヴァ湖(Baschalva See)は標高2,174 m
Baschalva Lake (2,174 m)



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