Hike from Walenstadtberg up Chäserrugg, Churfirsten

ツアー: ワーレンシュタットベルグ村~ケーゼルッグ山(2019年10月12日)

ツアー案内・Hike overview

Whenever I passed by Lake Walen on the way from Zurich to Chur, the view of the Churfirsten range impressed me with their steep, rugged rock faces. There's a hiking path leading up from Walenstadtberg to Chäserrugg, one of the Churfirsten mountains, that's open to general hikers. Once I felt I was fit enough to overcome 1,500 height meters, I went for it one fine autumn day. And yes, it's pretty much up up up all the way with hardly any even parts to let you regain your strength. The restaurant of Alp Tschingla with it's cross, wooden tub and wonderful view lies smack in the middle of the climb and is an ideal place to rest. I ate a Tschingla burger which tasted great, but sat heavy in my stomach and slowed me down considerably the rest of the way up. The last bit of path through the rocks up to the top of Chäserrugg is very steep and unforgiving of heavy food in one's stomach. The rock formations are very impressive and the views get better and better the higher you climb. There are plenty of people on top of Chäserrugg, 99% of whom have probably come up with the gondola from the other side of the mountain. I was grateful to be able to take that gondola down.

Path through the rocks above Walenstadtberg
アルプ・チングラ(標高1,529 m)
Alp Tschingla (1,529 m) 
A look back at Alp Tschingla on the way up to Chäserrugg
Here's where it gets really steep on the climb up Chäserrugg
50 height meters below the top of Chäserrugg
ケーセッルッグ山(標高2,260 m)の頂上に問うチャックするところ
Arriving on top of Chäserrugg (2,260 m)



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