Vertigo-inducing ridge hike to Rophaien

ツアー: めまいを起こせるような山稜を経てロファイエン山へ(2022年6月10日)

ツアー案内・Hike overview
  • 距離・length: 10.11 km 
  • 登り、下り・ascents/descents: 674 m / 1,370 m
  • 歩く時間・hiking time: 4 h 15 m
  • スタート地点・starting point: Gitschenゴンドラ駅/gondola station (1,718 m)
  • 経由地・intermediate points: Firtiggrätli (1,980 m), Äbneter Stöckli (2,088 m), Rophaien (2,078 m), Alper See (1,506 m)
  • ゴール地点・end point: Riemenstalden, alte Postバス駅/bus stop (1,028 m)
  • そのほか・remarks:
    Only few buses a day are departing from Sisikon to go up the Riemenstaldener Valley. The bus focuses on bringing the valley children to school and back (or so explained the bus driver). Check the bus schedule closely and plan you tour accordingly, so you don't miss your window. 

4時間のT4レベルのアルパインツアー。2022年最高の景色と映像を提供してくれた、非常に美しいツアーだった。大地が左右に急降下するところ、ルツェルン湖と周囲の山々の素晴らしい景色など、見事なコースだ。とことが、もしもっと賢かったら、少なくとももっと用心深かったら、ロファイエン山に向かう尾根のコースは、もっと乾燥した日にしただろう。前夜に雨が降り、道はぬかるんでいた(滑りやすい!)。道の両側で滑って死ぬ可能性がある尾根では危険だ。しかし、予定通りツアーを行い、一歩一歩に気を配り、安定した状態を確認することで状況を補った。道中、何人かの人にも会った。楽観的すぎたハイカーは私一人ではなかったようだね。一般論として: めまいを起こさない経験豊富なハイカーなら、このツアーを見逃す手はないでしょう!人気のある山なので、混雑することがある。平日にするのがベスト。
4 hour T4 level alpine hike. This was an extremely beautiful tour that provided me with some of the best views and video footage of the year. It's a stunning hike, with adrenaline inducing passages where the earth falls away steeply on either side, amazing views of Lake Lucerne and the surrounding mountains, but... If I was wiser, or at least more cautious, I would have done the ridge hike towards Rophaien on another, drier day. It rained the night before and the paths were muddy (slippery!), which is risky on ridge that provides the option of slipping to ones death on either side of the path. However, I went and did the tour as planned, compensating for the conditions by watching every step I took and making sure I was stable. I met several other people on the path, so I wasn't the only overly optimistic hiker that day. As a general statement: If you're an experienced hiker who doesn't get vertigo, don't miss out on this one! The mountain is a popular one, so it can get crowded. Best do it on a weekday. 
ゴンドラゴンドラ(1,718 m)からSACリデルネンヒュッテが見える
Arriving at Timpel (1,129 m) per gondola, SAC Lidernenhütte 10 minutes away

ローテンハイン(標高1,815 m)
Rotenhain (1,815 m) 

フィルティぐ峠(標高1,980 m)
Firtiggrätli (1,980 m)

Arriving on the ridge that leads towards Rophaien. But first, enjoy the view down to Lake Lucerne and Flüelen, and the mountains Brunnistock and Uri Rotstock right across!

It's slightly nerve-wracking to walk down a muddy ridge path.

On towards Rophaien with the cross at its peak. 

Looking back at the ridge path taken.

The last part up Rophaien involves light climbing. 

山頂に到着!(標高2,078 m)
Arriving on top! (2,078m)

Looking down at Lake Lucerne from top of Rophaien. 

View from Rophaien in the direction of Mt. Rigi and Lucerne.

The last hour leads through a dense forest until you reach the meadows near Riemenstalden (1, 028m)



Scenic hike to moulins of Alp Mora near Flims, from Alp Bargis to Trin

Round tour hike from Gumen, Braunwald, over Bärentritt and the Karst plain