Climbing Rigi Hoeflue from Timpel and descending to Gersau

 ツアー: ティンペルからリギ・ホーフルーを登り、ゲルサウ村に下山(2021年10月23日)

ツアー案内・Hike overview
  • 距離・length: 9 km 
  • 登り、下り・ascents/descents: 681 m / 1,375 m
  • 歩く時間・hiking time: 4 
  • スタート地点・starting point: Timpelバス駅/gondola station (1,129 m)
  • 経由地・intermediate points: Rigi Hoflue (1,699 m), Käppeliberg (1,070 m)
  • ゴール地点・end point: Gersau, Schiffstationバス駅/bus stop (435 m)
  • そのほか・remarks:
    Three paths lead up this mountain, all of which are designated T4 or T5- and marked white-blue-white to announce alpine paths that should only be attempted by experienced hikers.   

Challenging T5- climb up Rigi Hoflue. It’s a beautiful time of year for this hike, the grass and the forests shine golden, orange and red in the sun. We took the gondola from Brunnen up to Timpel and walked/climbed on the East ridge all the way up to Hoeflue. There are several parts that are classified T5- and have you climbing straight up the rock face, hanging onto the iron cable, or crossing exposed ridges, so you’d better be fit and vertigo-free if you attempt this hike. The mountain top was full of mountaineers enjoying the sun above the clouds, and the view all around, and watching the REGA helicopter below rescuing people from the path leading up West side of the mountain. It appears one of the three fell and hit his head (or so a hiker who passed them on the way up told us) and the other two were traumatized, so the REGA had to rescue all three. This is the easiest of the three ascents, warm from the sun and with an amazing view of the glittering lake below, but not to be underestimated all the same. The steep way off the mountain and all the way down to the lake was quite strenuous and left me with sore muscles, but no regrets! It was a breathtaking hike with sweeping views of the surrounding mountains.
ティンペル(標高1,129 m)に到着。
Arriving at Timpel (1,129 m) per gondola.

Walking towards Egg (1,288 m), with Rigi Hoeflue in the back.

On the autumn-colored East ridge of Rigi Hoflue

View from the East ridge, Brunnen below 

A look back at the path just taken, Lauerzer Lake at the bottom and the Mythen mountains in the back. The loose gravel on the path is wet and muddy, and it's a much better idea to go up this route rather than down. 

The whole last section up Rigi Hoeflue is secured with steel cables to help with the climb. The long shadows keep the ground wet. 

The very last section before the top goes straight up the rocks.

On top of Rigi Hoflue, the vegetation suddenly changes from wet and muddy to a Mediterranean feeling hot and dry ground. 

View from the top towards the "Lake Uri" part of the Lake Lucerne.

View from the top, in the direction of Gersau.

View across Rigi Scheidegg (middle) and Mount Rigi (right), with Mount Pilatus cresting the clouds on the left.

One of the three paths leading to the top consists of 130 year old ladders. 30 meters of cold iron steps! 

As we descended the West side of the peak, we passed by the REGA rescue



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