Hike in Lötschen Valley from Fafleralp up to the Anen Hut


ツアー案内・Hike overview
  • 距離・length: 11.29 km
  • 登り、下り・ascents/descents: 678 m / 678 m
  • 歩く時間・hiking time: 4 h
  • スタート地点・starting point: Take the bus from Goppenstein Station to Fafleralp (1,795 m)
  • 経由地・intermediate points: Guggisee (2,010 m) Anenhütte (2,358 m)
  • ゴール地点・end point: Take bus back from Fafleralp (1,795 m) to Goppenstein Station
  • そのほか・remark: 谷奥のアーネンヒュッテを通って5分ほど歩いて続いたら、アレッチ氷河の北端につながるアヌン氷河とラング氷河が見えてくる。If you continue for 5 minutes past Anen Hut, you get a nice view of the Lang and Anun Glaciers.

Looking for a hike amidst brilliant autumn colors, we chose the tour from Fafleralp to Anen Hut in Lötschental. There is a bus that leaves from Goppenstein Station every hour. On beautiful autumn days the bus will be jam-packed with eager hikers. When we got off in Fafleralp around 9 o'clock it was quite cold. Only 4°C! An hour later we emerged into sunlight and the jackets came off immediately. End of October is the time of year when you will have to pack with 20°C temperature differences in mind.
The larch trees shone yellow, the blueberry bushes deep red, interspersed with green, and an intense blue sky overhead... Breathtaking! Autumn is a spectacular time to go hiking in the Lötschen Valley.

グッギ湖(Guggisee、標高2,010 m)
Shortly before we step out into the sun, we reach Lake Guggi (2,010 m)
Larches in all their autumnal glory
Red blueberry bushes
アーネンヒュッテ(Anenhütte、標高2,358 m)は冬休業になっていた
The Anen Hut (2,358 m) closed for the season one week earlier
If you continue for 5 minutes past the Anen Hut, you get a better view at the Lang and Anun Glaciers
We chose the path on the glacier moraine for our return
ガンデッレグルンドゥ(Ganderre Grund、標高1,977 m)
グルンドゥ湖(Grundsee、標高1,842 m)
The Grund Lake (1,842 m) is at an easy distance (ca. 20 minutes) from Fafleralp
ファフラーアルプ(Fafleralp、標高1,778 m)まであと10分
ロンツァ川(River Lonza)
ファフラーアルプ(Fafleralp、標高1,778 m)のすぐそばにあるグレッチャーシュタフェル村(Gletscherstaffel、標高1,771 m)。レッチェン谷の古い木造の家が並ぶ素朴な村が点在し、周りの山々と共に世界自然遺産に指定されてる「ユングフラウ・アレッチ・ビーチホルン地域」の一部になっている
Gletscherstaffel (1,771 m). Little villages consisting of picturesque wooden chalets dot Lötschen Valley. Together with the surrounding mountains and glaciers they are part of the Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn UNESCO world heritage.



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